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Ton Duc Thang University welcomed and worked with representative from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

On July 18, 2024, the delegation of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) led by Prof. Cheng-Yao Lo - Professor for Department of Power Mechanical Engineering & Director for Office of Global Affairs of NTHU visited and had a working session at Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).

Presiding over receiving and collaborating with the delegation were Dr. Dinh Hoang Bach - Director of the International Cooperation, Research and Training Institute (INCRETI), Dr. Pham Van Huy – Dean of Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Tran Thanh Phuong – Dean of Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and representative from Faculty of Business Administration.

At the session, the both universities explored the potential collaboration on the area of semi-conductors, artificial intelligence in research activities, recruitment of graduate studies; organizing lecturer and researcher exchange activities between the two universities; potential student exchange program for TDTU students to Taiwan for 01 semester exchange, internship, doing graduation thesis/project in the field of Business, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology; organizing joint-training programs at Master (1+2) or Ph.D. (2+2) level in the major of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Information Technology.



Prof. Cheng-Yao Lo, Professor for Department of Power Mechanical Engineering & Director for Office of Global Affairs


Dr. Dinh Hoang Bach and leaders of several Faculties from Ton Duc Thang University


Overview of the meeting between Ton Duc Thang University and National Tsing Hua University
